To everyone on the outside – and more


“You are all invited

To everyone on the outside!

I, the white bear, the beast inside all, have since the of April, been sitting behind this library, trying to extract new universal meaning from national and regional cookbooks. I guess that I, as such a book-enclosed bear, could somehow justly be called: the truth behind all the words.

The truth, however, must eventually come out, and on May 12th, 2011, this deep bear, cordially invites you all, to celebrate the surface and it’s surfacing. Let us all meet on the exterior, sip chilled wine and eat hors d’oeuvres, prepared according to the remnants of recipes from these passéist monuments of national truth.

Welcome on Thursday the 12th of may at 18.00 – 20.00, here , at Vesterfælledvej 63

Sincerely Yours

The bear behind the facade.”